Associate Professor Linda Barwick
The University of Sydney
Bruch Birch
Iwaidja Inyman, Mindjilang
Genevieve Campbell
Charles Darwin University
Georgia Curran
The University of Queensland
Dr Jessica De Largy Healy
Centre nationale de la recherche scientifique
Professor Nicholas Evans, FAHA
The Australian National University
Dr Lysbeth Ford
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
Brian Djangirrawuy Garawirrtja
Laynhapuy Homelands Association, Yirrkala
Dr Murray Garde
The University of Melbourne
Vicki Grieves
National Film & Sound Archive
Robyn Holmes
National Library of Australia
Grace Koch
Australian Institute of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies
Dr Mary Laughren
The University of Queensland
Dr Fiona Magowan
Queen’s University, Belfast
Witiyana Marika
Dhimurru Land Management Aboriginal Corporation, Nhulunbuy
Bardayal Nadjamerrek, AO
Kabulwarnamyo Homeland
Isabel O’Keeffe
The University of Melbourne
Lyndon Ormond-Parker
The University of Melbourne
Professor Eva Schultze-Berndt
University of Manchester
Dr Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg
Kingston University, London
Dr Martin Thomas
The University of Sydney
Dr Myfany Turpin
Griffith University
Professor Adrian Walter
The Australian National University
Joy Malwagag Williams
Mamaruni School, Minjilang
Helen Rrikawuku Yunupiŋu
Shepherdson College, Galiwin’ku |