The National Recording Project for
Indigenous Performance in Australia

Yaŋgaypuma Gumbula and Jane Gronow
with the Gupapuyŋu Dancers at WOMADelaide. Photo: A. Corn, 2006.

The NRP team is interested to hear from individuals and organisations who can help expand the important work of the ‘National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance in Australia’.

  • Are you an Indigenous Australian who would like your traditional songs and dances recorded?

  • Do you live in an Indigenous Australian community with ambitions to record, document and archive local songs
    and dances traditions for future generations?

  • Are you current researching or recording Indigenous Australian performance traditions?

  • Are you interested in technical training or graduate research opportunities in this field?

  • Can you help us find resources to expand this important work?

If so, please contact the NRP for further information.